

You can click on Calendar above to see the list of events we have scheduled and sign up. You can also look at the Desktop calendar.

Sunset Sails

We set sail at 6:00pm on the days with wind and no storm. We get back around 9:00pm.

Sunday Funday Races

We race on some Sundays. The course depends on the wind conditions. It can be shortened if the wind drops during the race.

Full Moon Sails

Every month, we set sail during the full moon. This is a night sail that can go on until 11:00pm.

DelMarVa Trip

This is a week long trip that goes around the Delmarva peninsula. Training is provided and required prior to departure. It covers navigation, watch standing, and safety protocol and equipment usage.


We hold socials monthly or more often depending on the interest of the community. Some of these parties are open to non-members and guests.